During a kundalini awakening the symptathetic nervous system and adrenals are perpetually activated during the peak phase. Sexual transmutation is the alchemical practice of channeling and directing your sexual energy into a 'higher' purpose. "Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation regulate DNA, RNA and protein syntheses, alter protein shame and function, and control gene regulation, cell division, cell differentiation, morphogenesis (the process by which cells assemble into organs and tissues), hormone secretion, nerve growth and function." Jung intuited this nondual Pleroma to be a collective transpersonal reservoir, an ocean of collective unconscious. Betel Leaf (Piper betel) - Divine Archetypes For example, art is one avenue to go down. [Live] How to Transmute Sexual Energy Using Kundalini and - YouTube The most famous Meditation is "Kundalini Yog". We often hear examples of people being damaged by kundalini experiences, sometimes permanently so. xbbf`b`` Following this cortisol release and immune activation occur. endobj http://nic.sav.sk/logos/books/scientific/node23.html. Though she notes you could also do this with the crown chakra or any chakra you want to work with, really. Sexual energyadvice or pointers. : r/kundalini - Reddit A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy, http://nic.sav.sk/logos/books/scientific/node23.html, Creative This latter is entirely wrong because Kundalini can be in anything. <>/Metadata 2257 0 R/ViewerPreferences 2258 0 R>> Shooting currents of energy or heat. Samadhi is a state of Consciousness characterized by clarity of perception and the absence of the ego. We don't truly see or hear the world, but rather we see through the lens of the mind darkly as though living our lives by the light of the moonlit night. Macrophages can live up to 2-3 years and it is probably due to this that the main awakening phase also corresponds to this duration. As Allan adds, if you tend to spill the energy and want to have a release, you can ask yourself, Where does that creativity want to pour into my life? Hydrogens - human scale - transmutation of energy in the body, illustrated as a "three story factory". The EMF or nadi egg comprises the sum total of the body's energy generation and conductivity. "This is the normal and natural way to use the energy of si 12. Perhaps it was a conflict of characters. The origin of human life has finall Transmutation Alchemy, a free Course - Glorian Close your eyes and observe the sensation of your breath (how the air feels, what it does to your body). This no doubt is related to the permeability and relaxation of the connective tissue brought about by these collagen and elastin splitting enzymes. #chakra racine quilibr #sige de la kundalini #cerveau reptilien #besoins fondamentaux #scurit . -oJYWMw_w_~Nq^ZBLe@>\&*",bD?7}k{]!W EMF's induce cell differentiation and morphogenesis. >J N>J ro>(>J;DJ0 DTQ"P0uz~Zfw41Gb'2J Rf.U.D$.J This may be explained by the catabolic enzymes (hyaluronidase, elastase and collagenase) produced by the macrophages. 111, ~ Bruce Lipton, Biology of Belief. Old Testament represents YHWH (Age of Aries). This leads to the total reorganization of the material structure, its transformation or transmutation. The cells are activated, grow, carry out their function and die-off. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. Our EMF has more of a medium in which to flow and this ups all the energy exchanges in the bodymind. The stabilization of this increased heart EMF propagates substantiated evolutionary and transmutational changes in the bodymind. 25:45 - The Source of Prana Is Mother Nature: She Is Home Itself. Gradually these areas begin to purify and carry a greater and greater charge, voltage and overall electro-magnetic balance. When the heat entrains the brain we become sensitive to Depth or the spiritual dimention. You become aware of this as Truth, and you abide as That Truth transformed, transmuted, transfigured. The body's EMF requires ions in the air through which to flow. The basis for sexual transformation is to take your sexual energy and channel it into a higher energy center. The crown and root poles meet in the inner-conjunction through a rhythmic atunement of all the oscillating systems at a certain frequency, and perhaps in a certain sequence of frequencies. For those interested in Hindu based history, Knowledge on Sacred Hindu belief systems, a beginning guide to yoga, Hindu Deities, Sexual Alchemy, etc. West - Celibacy for the Kingdom, Recommended books for manliness and self-development, /gurdjieff/quotes/index-gurdjieff-quotes.htm, gurdjieff-on-the-abuse-and-use-of-sex.htm, Lee Warfield: Same-sex attraction overcome, Max Freedom Long's experiments with celibacy, Sridhar Swami - commentary by Srila Prabhupada, Gary Wilson, scientific study, effects of porn, Bernarr Macfadden, from Manhood and Marriage 1916. [2] This is the matter with which sex works and which sex manufactures. Spiritual Transmutation Explained - Am I Going Mad Yogasana for Brahmacharya | Yogasana for Sex Transmutation - MANTHANHUB And because there is a self-reinforcing feedback loop between the generation of increased field and the supernal alteration of body tissue, this is why full-on awakenings last for such an extended period. The inferior Manas together with the Kamas, Prana and Linga, reinforce the Divine Triad by means of fire. af Samael Aun Weor . At Openhand, one of the key practices we apply for alchemical Transmutation possibility, is what we call the "Openhand Bow", which has been developed from the ancient practice of Kriya Yoga (introduced in "Autobiography of Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda). The capillary wall is only one cell thick, composed largely of collagen and can be as little as 3-4 mm in diameter, and red blood corpuscles are 7.5 thousandths of a mm. "Kundalini" in Jain-Yoga Flowing for ever in the backbone, tranquil Sushumna! Stick your tongue to the roof of the mouth. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. See full summary Director: Kija Manhare | Stars: Roland Achenjang, Brother Brahmananda, Eva L. Burns, John Thomas Casey 6. Kundalini. Beyond the 7 Chakras: Activating the 3 Dantian Energy Centers for Inner Kundalini is a Tantric technique. Sexual Transmutation (A Complete Guide) | OptimistMinds Involuntary laughing or crying, deep sighs. The transmutation of sexual energy | Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. One of the principles was sexual transmutation, to which he devoted a whole chapter in the book, describing how many of these men channeled their sexual energy to achieve success and accumulate riches. Brain nutrition and oxygen supply would be greatly enhanced by the dilated and porous blood vessels. The phenomenon of transmutation of the sexual energy has as scientific basis the phenomenon of Biological Transmutation. Hot or cold changes in body temperature. The sensory organ that perceives "soul" is the heart. ; Energy Signature: Jing - vital essence, seed. Sacred Texts | SH: Light Beams The transmutation of the Sex chakra is extremely useful, whether one is celibate or not. The Arcanum AZF - Richard Roocroft, Blog i):p,#hjj]Us[LW|yP~~2euWL(o&qrWMP`QxvI9g7/"9u9 %DMXD&c(WU4#v>2ZVBI4eD~bQft7Lupt7glQIe1_o'S[bDl?G2@m, (Recommended for those seeking to learn about the Right Hand (White) path of becoming Resurrected.). You can experiment with this theory of metamorphic catabolic breakdown by macrophages by eating something noxious to the body like processed cheese or processed meats which will activate the immune system. There are 2 Volumes. You can use this new creative energy to build the business of your dreams. Increased demand on hippocampal function from feeling the world through heart-centered cognition, stimulates stem cells to form new neurons in the hippocampus. Transmutation - SivaSakti On Relations (Review of novella by Tolstoy), Book review of Sexual Force Or The Winged Dragon, Comments on Celibacy by a Hare Krishna (*Note that I may have sensed this only because I have been through major dissolution and have experienced the left-brain freeze sensation before. Hyaluronidase is therefore sometimes designated the "spreading factor." When the Kundalini rises, it uses this energy to generate spiritual heat, light and electrical energy which light up the brain and other parts of the subtle body. St. Lutgard, Blessed Christina, and several others are listed as recipients of this "gift." Tantra is an ancient spiritual practice that involves exploring your personal identity. Kundalini is an organizing Power, free energy of transformation. The energy ocean both informs and creates our physical matrix. If we want spiritual life, we need to know our Divine Mother. 0000006414 00000 n sexual transmutation to transform yourself . Transmutation 1 h 23 m IMDb RATING 9.3 /10 13 YOUR RATING Rate Documentary A roving philosopher guides us through the striking forests, coastlines, deserts, and cities of the world, inviting us to embrace the intense mystery of our own existence. They clear abnormal cells and cellular debris and remove aged dead cells. This increase in the heart EMF may be one of the reasons for the sense of heart expansion during kundalini and for the massive Solar Heart event itself. Kundalini rests with any living or inanimate object as a Power, supporting its life and organization. In the book he says, "Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. Candali or Gtummo: Safe Kundalini Awakening for Rapid Empowerment 2 0 obj "` 6$ Since during peak kundalini awakening the body is digesting itself to provide the energy for transformation and to rebuild the organismthere is energy available for the transmutation of elements. When I was a younger man, before I found out about Gnosis, I had an experience dealing with a nasty boss. This immune activation would explain some of the heat involved with kundalini and many of the symptoms, especially those during the die-offs.
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