The typical size of a 75-gallon aquarium is 48 x 18 x 24. This condition can cause the fish to lose color, become unhappy, and be lethargic, in addition to the skin damage. Just something to keep an eye on! If youre on the fence about purchasing this fish we wholeheartedly recommend that you go for it! FLOWERHORN CICHLID 1" Bonsai Flowerhorn F Mixed . The size of an adult electric blue acara can vary, but they usually grow to be somewhere between five and seven inches. The name of the Electric Blue Acara does a great job summarizing their appearance. Their fins do show gorgeous red coloring and their silvery bodies reflect cool blues and violets. Its body shape is somewhat oval, and since it is a stocky fish, it looks plump and robust. Primarily, this means youll want to have plenty of hiding places where they can feel safe. They're peaceful and will avoid starting trouble with other fish, . Correct tank water parameters, relieve overcrowding, treat with an over-the-counter drug as directed. Tack on fifteen additional gallons for every new fish you want to keep. The food you give your fish will make a significant impact on their health (obviously). Since theyre peaceful yet curious they will display a mix of behaviors while in your tank. Electric Blue Acaras readily form pairs and will regularly breed in a home tank setting, diligently caring for their fry without becoming overly aggressive toward other aquarium residents. Save. I would probably get one pair of each, along with some Congo tetras and maybe some rainbow fish and some type of catfish or plecostomus. Brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, bloodworms, earthworms, and even fresh pieces of mollusk and fish may be given as a treat. The water temperature in the tank should be between . A: A 75 gallon tank can comfortably accommodate 6-9 Electric Blue Acaras, following the rule of 1 fish . 55-gallons with once per week water changes Discus fish stock levels can be 15 to 18 adults, or once per month cleaning 5 to 6 adults. The best tank shape to choose for the Blue Acara is long rather than tall. The electric blue acara is a freshwater species of cichlid. In the end, though, most hobbyists only keep one pair due to males becoming aggressive towards each other. For many years, the Electric Blue Acara has been an extremely popular choice for those with a South American cichlid aquarium. It has orange, brown, black, and gray stripes on its body. Electric Blue Acaras are quite large fish that generally inhabit bodies of water where the flow is relatively strong. Another disease that can harm electric blue acaras is freshwater ich. Electric Blue Acara are one of our favorite cichlids due to their size, coloration and wide range of tank mate. Most cichlid enthusiasts keep their tanks simple with rocks, like Texas holey rock, ceramic flower pots, and driftwood. Their maximum size is 7 inches long when fully grown. You wont be disappointed. Electric blue acaras are a colorful freshwater fish native to South America. After all, fish spend their days swimming around in a lovely tank while their owner feeds and cares for them. In a communal tank, they rarely create problems and get along nicely with electric blue acara. Once everything is all set up its time to begin breeding your Electric Blue Acara. Be careful not to overfeed your Blue Acaras, as that can lead to digestive disorders. The flatter the better! The best electric blue acara tank will have a minimal design with open space that accents the natural colors and behaviors of the fish. The bond and amount of time you have with your fish is what its all about. It rarely presents aggressive behaviors and will almost always get along well with other fish of various sizes. Therefore, they bring variety to a communal aquarium. That said, it's still essential that you maintain the water quality in the tank. This led to their almost-metallic pale blue body color; some fish may have underlying hints of yellow or orange. Sick fish flick against solid surfaces, breathe rapidly, develop a rash of white spots on gills, body, and fins. Electric Blue Acara are omnivores but eat a lot of live critters in the wild. Therefore, you shouldnt be concerned about putting dangerous plants in the tank. When you have multiple Electric Blues in the same tank its quite stunning to watch! A long tank also has more surface area than a tall one, which makes for the greater oxygenation that this fish species prefers. Electric Blue Acara 101: Tank Mates & Species Information The female will spawn the eggs and the male will fertilize them (usually shortly after). They are tropical fish and need a tropical water temperature between 74 F to 82 F. A weekly or biweekly 15 to 25% water change should be performed to keep nitrates low and to keep water quality up. The Electric Blue Acara is a freshwater fish that is becoming more and more popular in the aquarist community. First, theyre absolutely stunning to look at. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This is quite common but its worth being aware of. While some fish will withstand a sudden change in pH, others will not. Poor tank mates are ones that can easily fit in an electric blues mouth or ones that are overly aggressive or that try to fight back! Central and South America, Colombia, Venezuela, and Trinidad, Omnivore: Flakes, cichlid pellets, shrimps, fishes, worms, Prefers well-filtered water with a strong flow rate, Peaceful when kept with other large cichlids and similar species. Their caudal fin is symmetrical and about as tall from top to bottom as their body. These are quite large fish, and they do need plenty of swimming space, so the minimum tank size youll need is 30 gallons. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Then raise the temperature of the tank slightly to trigger the breeding. They should have a tank that is a minimum size of 40 gallons for a pair. 15 Best Blue Acara Tank Mates - FishLab It is better to split up the meals as this could also help prevent rivalry in the tank when all fish are trying to get a hold of food. Scouts honor . Make sure each tank buddy has the right shoal size to simulate group hostility. If aquarium wood, coral sand, or something else caused the pH change, remove it to avoid the problem from recurring. Because blue acaras are not all that common and I would guess the electric blue is in fact a jack Dempsy. Remember, the electric blue acara is its own greatest tank companion! These gorgeous, large cichlids are found in the South and Central areas of South America, Columbia, Trinidad, and Venezuela. The electric blue acara, also known by its scientific name andinoacara pulcher hybrid, is a freshwater fish which relative the blue acara, is native to Colombia, Venezuela, and other countries in South America. When shopping for your electric blue acara, make sure to confirm whether it is a hybrid or the parent species. With the knowledge drops Ill offer today, you will be ready to embark on keeping these unique fish in your aquarium. Because bristlenose grows so little, you can house them in smaller aquariums. The average Electric Blue Acara lifespan is between 8-10 years in captivity. Austin, Texas 78750. Electric blue acaras can successfully be kept with live plants, but only species that mind being uprooted from time to time. Pretty much anything peaceful that can thrive with similar water parameters is possible. They dont fight or bother their tank mates, and they can be bashful enough to hide among the plants. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a937fd7346e57686c00104913875bb53" );document.getElementById("c8f286cabb").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Get the latest on sales, new posts, and new videos! When we first saw a picture we thought it was photoshopped! The parent electric blues will be ready to mate again in a matter of weeks. Size. Praecox Rainbow Group: Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums - LiveAquaria Does anyone know if 1 electric blue acara would be ok in a 29 gallon tank with probably: 2 angelfish, 2-3 dwarf gouramis, 1 bristlnose pleco, a few panda Cory catfish OR a few black Kuhli loaches. Though these colorful fish look best under high lighting, they prefer low to medium light settings. In male specimens, the fins are longer than the females, and the rays of the anal and dorsal fins typically arch around the caudal fin. A tank of this size will weigh a lot more than smaller tanks, especially when filled. But I would go with 4-5 electric blue acaras in a 55. with 2 plecos? Electric Blue Acara advice55 Gallon | Tropical Fish Forums As long as you have a big tank with many hiding places for refuge, housing electric yellow cichlids with blue acara cichlids shouldn't pose any problem. Silver dollars are exceedingly quiet. Electric Blue Acara breeding is something that pretty much anyone can do. If you can find a dark-colored substrate, that will help to really show off the fishes stunning, metallic coloration to the best effect. Place an upturned saucer on the substrate. 25 Best Angelfish Tank Mates for a Community Aquarium While a lot of aquarists dont like the idea of having a single-species tank for the sake of variety, the visual display you get from this fish has changed a lot of minds. Suppose the required tank size for electric blue acaras is 40 gallons. 2. These aquarium fish will do best on a sandy substrate where they are free to change their surroundings based on their own preferences. Keep in mind that you will need at least a 90-gallon tank or larger to provide your Acara Cichlids with enough space to live and grow. Remember, blue acaras can be found in a variety of environmental conditions, which means that these freshwater fish can also adapt to most aquarium conditions. 7 Large Bodied Tetra. Discus is the most colorful fish. The top 10 tank mates for Electric Blue Acara. For perfect breeding. It is a member of the cichlid family and can grow to be up to 10 inches in length. If left in the wild, a blue acara can live twice as long as that! This means you have a pretty generous range for most of the recommended water conditions. As they mature, they naturally pair off on their own. When choosing tank mates for your acaras, use your best judgment. Teach your children to maintain the fishs habitat if you have them. This freshwater fish is resistant and adapts easily to new and changing conditions in the tank, but you need to make sure that there is enough open space for the electric blue acara to swim. One can accomplish this by relocating the fish to a new tank or doing a significant water change. Their size can be influenced by the quality of their care, but also the location in which they come from. Substrate Malawi bloat causes a bloated abdomen and a diminished appetite or complete loss of appetite in fish. Because these fish are accustomed to viewing vegetation both in the water and on the land, you can experiment with various plant species and varieties. I'm looking for any opinions on adding my two Regular Blue Acara in with them. They are nothing like their popular relatives such as the African cichlid, Oscar fish, Jewel cichlid, and Jack Dempsey. What size tank for discus fish? Explained by Sharing Culture If you have a photo I can identify it I was obsessed with South Americans cichlids for years. What Makes Electric Blue Acara A Good Tank Mate? Ich is a common disease thats caused by the protozoan parasite, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. It offers them a feeling of safety and helps them relax a little (which is great for reducing stress). The eggs will incubate for two to three days when the fry will hatch and begin hunting for food. Electric Blue Acara - A Complete Care Guide - AquariumStoreDepot A: As a general rule, it is recommended to have 1 Electric Blue Acara per every 10-15 gallons of water, so a 55 gallon tank can comfortably accommodate 4-6 Electric Blue Acaras. Then when we finally got the chance to see one in person it was mind-blowing. Red flags to watch out for include lethargy, loss of appetite, and general disinterest in their surroundings. Use a sandy substrate to cover the bottom of the tank, and place plenty of flat rocks on top that the female will use as a place to lay her eggs. I hope you enjoyed our Electric Blue Acara care guide and found it helpful. How Many Electric Blue Acara In A 75 Gallon - achmadhutria Sed vehicula tortor sit amet nunc tristique mollis. Because of this, some hobbyists only keep floating plants with their cichlids. Unless there is food collected in the substrate, it will rarely travel to the bottom of the tank. It usually takes just a few days after fertilization for them to hatch! Starting at the front of their dorsal fin and extending down to their upper lip is a dark grey patch devoid of any blue. Top 10 Tank Mates for Electric Blue Acara - YouTube 75 gallon Aquarium Congo tetras, catfish, and Electric Blue Acara The bacteria that you need in your biological filter media need the ammonia in untreated water to start the nitrogen cycle. The fishes preferred habitat is streams where the current is strong, and the water is clear and well-oxygenated. After these few days, the eggs will hatch. . The best thing is to feed a balanced flake diet, with other live food and vegetables. If planning on keeping a pair of electric blue acaras in a community tank with other species, then at least 55 gallons is recommended with a larger tank size being much more preferred. These fish are primarily light and shiny blue with some subtle details that add to their glimmer. The care you put into choosing tank mates determines your fishs comfortability. Though some hobbyists may try to tie or glue these plants down, your fish will rearrange the tank to its liking eventually. With this in mind, it is a good idea to have a group of electric blue acara fish that gives them the freedom of choice, and when you know which pair to breed you can move them over to a 20-gallon breeding tank. Theyre also quite easy to care for. . The fishs body is mainly steel-gray with stripes and spots on its head and body. They rarely interact; therefore, you can keep them together in a smaller tank with other free-swimming fish. . The Library of Congress > Chronicling America > Evening star. You must also include the minimum tank size for that tank mate if you want to keep them together. When the water runs clear, add the substrate to the aquarium to a depth of two to three inches. As always, its recommended to quarantine new fish for at least three weeks before adding them to a new system. Electric Blue Acara Tankmates | Cichlid Fish Forum Failure to do so will result in catastrophic health consequences. As it gets close to spawning time, the male and female fish will display to each other more and more frequently until they are ready to spawn, and their color will increase in intensity. They spend time with one another and create lifelong bonds with their partners. These, Why Your Betta Fish Is Laying At The Bottom Of The Tank, Why Is My Goldfish Turning White? Going to add Dwarf Flag Cichlids (Smiling Acara) this week as they only get to about 3 inches. Ensure the substrate is not hard, or the fishes will cut or scrape themselves. Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. If the fish can fit inside the jaws of an electric blue acara, it will consume it. Set the water temperature to 75F (24C), the pH between 6.5 to 7.0, and the hardness between 3 to 12 dGH. Electric Blue Acara - Your Complete Care, Behavior, Tank Mates and Diet Also, note that a higher flow can upset a sand substrate in addition to the disruption caused by your fish. This is a hybrid mainly derived from the naturally occurring blue acara, Andinoacara pulcher; it is believed that they were mixed with blue ram cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) at some point as well. #32. However, there are several things you can do that will undoubtedly help: To begin, you must restore the pH range of your water to that of the fish. . It is tall, with a 75-gallon footprint. As a cichlid species, they can also be territorial, especially the males during spawning times. Keep in mind that these are active fish and require room to thrive - a bigger tank is always better. If you dont want to hassle with this then you can feed them pellets and flake fish food provided it has enough nutritional value to keep them healthy. 7 Best Filters For 75 Gallon Fish Tank; Best Filter for 55 Gallon Fish Tank 2023; Best 20-gallon Aquarium Filter Reviews; SunSun External canister filter Review - Is this the right . In the aquarium hobby, the electric blue acara is a favorite cichlid to keep due to its bright coloration, hardiness, conforming temperament, and easy breeding. Still, they might chase off other fish if they feel it is on their territory or during the breeding season. You may want to feed your electric blue acara 3-4 times per day, as this fish tends to gulp down their food and eat very fast. Additional aeration is usually not necessary but an air stone can be used to help circulate lower portions of the tank and to add aesthetic. Infected fish will develop white spots on their bodies, which they will try to scrape off with their claws on any hard surfaces in the tank. 80gal planted Angelfish community. Can you keep discus in a 55 gallon tank? When you see these fish swimming it looks like shiny blue neon! You should stick to feeding a quality brand of fish food for your cichlid fish to stay healthy and live a long life. Electric Blue Acara/ Blue Acara aggression - General Discussion - C.A.R.E. The electric blue jack dempsey is a freshwater fish that is native to Central America. If you want your fish to thrive, you must have good water quality and follow the suggested water parameter requirements. Water temperature: The temperature range required for the water environment of electric blue acara is 68-82F. The iridescent electric blue color is one of the most beautiful features of this electric blue freshwater aquarium fish.
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