There are simply no reports that describe the experience of athletes returning to ECer ise (or training) after aortic dissection. However, randomized, controlled trials have excluded bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), which is the most frequent congenital heart disease occurring in 1% to 2% of the total population and representing at least 25% of patients 80 years of age or older referred for aortic valve replacement. I dont have any ayptoms. 6 weeks later Im still experiencing symptoms that (in the back of my mind) have me thinking about the BV issue. My cardiologist (London Heart Hospital) gave me green light to moderate sport activities (no marathon and weight lifting). Brave Dublin teen Sinead fights back from heart surgery to make beloved The increased stroke volume and cardiac output may cause . Any person in my family there was no problem with the heart. Now, fully healed thanks to two stents in her arteries, Lucci is spreading the word. Guidelines suggest that athletes with BAV, normal size aorta, and no more than mild aortic regurgitation or stenosis can participate in all sports, without restriction.provided that they do not have an inherited connective tissue disorder like Marfanss syndrome. Rest pulse (70 bpm|50 bpm) I dont believe there is any evidence that would help us know if some forms are safer than others. Its really not strenuous, maybe 10 km/h and not more that 10 push ups at once. I would just like to share my experience of having a Aortic Valve replacement. I am big for my age . Here is a link to a diagram that categorizes sports according to their dynamic and static components: My sinus of valsalva is at 4.8 and my BAV is functional (discrete regurgitation). Bicuspid Aortic Valves, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Aneurysms, and Me Enlarged lv 37/58 mm rf 65 fs 36 Schwarzenegger's Aortic Valve Replacement | MedPage Today Mild to moderate ai I seen my cardiologist yesterday and this is the first year in 4 years that the aneurysm hasnt grown a mm. Apologies for my slow reply. 2) He can lead a normal life & can continue his training with regular echocardiography control (once in a year). He wasnt real worried about me and I have regurgitation (mild) and (mild) aortic root dilation.. Do u think it would be OK to lift weights and if so maybe u could give me a better understanding. I have had scans and echos for as long as I can remember and have never been on medication nor has this condition stopped me from doing anything I have wanted. Glad to hear that youve found a surgeon and settled on a plan. Exercise and sports are usually safe if there is mild aortic root enlargement but no other heart or vascular problems. Thanks! The truth is that there is not much scientific information about what happens to such athletes if they do return to endurance sports. Sometimes patients with mechanical aortic valves report that they lose a bit of their top-end athletic performance. Many of us are not familiar with the many types and facets of the martial arts. My question here is what is the damage I can cause to my heart, mechanical valve, if I keep my heart rate at hi intensity levels? Its weird because sometimes when Im resting I can feel a little weird fluttering.. Enjoy! We saw cardio in April again and my sons symptoms are the same and no progression on the aortic regurgitation. That means it is a congenital heart defect. All rights reserved. Good to hear that youre doing well. This blog helped me a lot in my panic days, it put me at ease when I was worrying to much, just to see and to know your enemy and to realize that you are not alone is great help. Advice here will be based on opinion rather than accumulated evidence in large numbers of children with BAV. You can contact me on Or is the real risk related to further deterioration of the heart in the longer term that would be picked up by 6 monthly monitoring, which may indicate the need for surgery but not an immediate risk of dying suddenly? You didnt mention your age, but obviously youd hope that whatever operation is performed.lasts a lifetime. Left ventricle (LV diastolic diameter 54mm|58mm, LV diastolic volume 142ml|167ml, LV systolic volume 39ml|57ml, Ejection fraction 72%|65%); I had a ventricle septum defect patched up shortly after birth with no further follow up and a full recovery. Also, my next appointment is, unfortunately the week after my next marathon (which I will be pacing and not racing). Seven months ago I had emergency AVR due to a BAV that was severely compromised by endocarditis. It will probably take a visit with a surgeon (who has all of the pertinent details) to outline the possibilities for you. My cardiologist has advised that while marathon running is out, shorter runs (up to 6-8 miles) and pilates are both fine for now. California Governor and movie star of films including The Terminator and The Predator, Arnold Schwarzenegger marked the 10-year anniversary of his heart surgery at USCs Health Science Campus. To me, you know your own body and what you can manage whilst straining as little as possible. Running it is important for me but if it has a problematic effect , I would opt for power walking Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. Ordinarily, athlete patients with mild degrees of valve regurgitation can continue to participate in their sports. Without careful study, I dont know what the true risks will be. I would like nothing more than to have this repaired so I can return to my lifestyle, I cant understand why I cant have it fixed as it is my choice to have surgery. His doctor recommended he see a pediatric cardiologist within 1-2 weeks but when I called they cant get him in until April 14th. Thank you so much for your reply. Hey is a frustrated guy. Im not sure how those two problems would be related. They are located between the atria and corresponding ventricle. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Heart Valve Surgeries (2020 Update) 1. Nonetheless, I think theres considerable confusion about this condition, in terms of diagnosis, implications for the athlete, and its treatment. Its awesome to see you are diligent at responding to people also. This is thought to occur at a rate of about 0.1% per year in adults. Search Heart Hospitals Aaron Boone (@AaronBoone), famous baseball player suffered from Bicuspid Aortic Valve. A Public Death: Bill Paxton's Death Certificate Points To Surgery's Business, Economics, and Finance. I certainly know runners, cyclists, and triathletes in that circumstance who are active and doing well. Garth was already familiar with heart diease before her diagnosis because it runs in her family. The aortic valve is between the left lower heart chamber and the body's main artery, called the aorta. Chris Pratt to Marry into the Kennedy Family. I would very much appreciate your opinion weather he can continue his regular football training or should stop it. Here are some celebrities that experienced severe heart valve defects and had to have either heart valve replacement and heart valve repair surgery. Kim Kardashian Doja Cat Iggy Azalea Anya Taylor-Joy Jamie Lee Curtis Natalie Portman Henry Cavill Millie Bobby Brown Tom Hiddleston Keanu Reeves. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). There, Lucci learned that she had a 90 percent blockage in the main artery of her heart and a 70 percent blockage in another, and needed emergency surgery. I suspect it had been leaking for a long time, as I felt no different; however, my recovery from long runs took longer than in the past (old age?). This can cause the valve to malfunction and prevent blood from flowing correctly from the . Because it was just a cardiologist, not a sports cardiologist or physiotherapist. . I would like to thank you very much for providing me with your thoughts. As Schwarzenegger previously had two cardiac procedures, it is possible that Arnold may have received aTAVR using a Valve-in-Valve approach to replace his failing aortic tissue valve that was implanted in 1997. So my question: does there appear to be any performance advantage of tissue valves over mechanical or does the fact that Im on the anticoagulant anyway make the mechanical valve sort of a no brainer choice? Consensus guidelines suggest restricting activities in athletes with BAV and aortic diameter >4.0 cm. Ordinarily, we reserve operation for patients with severe aortic regurgitation who have some decrement in the LV function. Its very helpful for people with heart problems. Apparently this can work better than Losartan? It prevents the blood from flowing back from the aorta into the heart when the pumping chamber relaxes. The surgery involved a replacement heart valve made from a transplanted tissue sourced from his pulmonic valve. Check out Anthony DiLemmes blog, Anthonys Heart Valve Replacement Saga. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. I have read that strength training is beneficial for heart health. And I took him for check up every year and nothing change and he never had any symptoms. I would like to know more about your recovery timeline since you are so much further out from surgery than I amfor instance; how long before you could do long rides again; when could you do tempo efforts; start high heart rate intervals; and finally race again? There are several variations of this procedure that are applicable in specific situations. There are many surgical options depending upon the particular circumstances. According to reports (and my new cardiologist), this congenital variation . Tetyana. I had my AVR almost one year ago. What is the average life span of a tissue valve? Moreover, there is a myriad of operations that such patients may have had, each with its on set of considerations. Your site has been helpful in provided a sense of peacebut an extra insight would be super encouraging. My son at 11 months was diagnosed with BAV. Your responses mean a lot to myself and no doubt others on this forum. Another possibility that you havent mentioned deserves some discussion with your sons doctor(s) or surgeon. Be specific. E. G. I could bench 50lbs with no need to strain and hold my breath, which wouldnt result in a massive spike in blood pressure, but if I tried to bicep curl 50lbs it would do. My problem is a perpetual fear and worry about having this diagnosis and having to someday undergo open heart surgery. Rose underwent the procedure last week, and said he would be going home to rest for a couple of weeks before returning in March. It was her death that prompted me to get checked out. For athletes who return to sport after AVR and aortic replacement, its important to settle on whats safe with your doctor(s) ahead of time. After 5 years of amateur competitive rowing, I had no problems keeping up with my peers whilst training at lower intensities. Does lifting weights up to 100 pounds and being cleared for push-ups, pull-ups, all cardio, etc., sound reasonable? 1 year ago I gave up smoking and started endurance running. As chemist mostly works in a lab not in the field. Aortic valve replacement is recommended for nearly all patients with severe valve stenosis (valve opening less than 1.0 cm2), Aortic valve replacement is recommended for patients with severe valve regurgitation if there are symptoms due to the regurgitation (eg, shortness of breath with exertion) or evidence that the heart is suffering because of the regurgitation (enlargement of the left ventricle), Repair or replacement of the beginning portion of the aorta is recommended if there is enlargement of the aorta to greater than 5.0 cm. I am mostly a runner, 4 times a week, with 10 21 km races. Hi Larry Arnold Schwarzenegger (The Governator) - Heart Valve Replacement. Assuming that 2% of the US population has bicuspid aortic valve disease, that is 6,278,281 people. As a result, the valve doesn't function perfectly. I certainly know of athletes who return to all forms of endurance sport as well as weight-lifting after operations like yours. Most patients can resume all of these activities by 2-3 months after operation. ODonnell, now 54, said her heart attack began after she helped an enormous woman struggling to get out of her car in a parking lot. Hello Dr. Creswell, Last few weeks Im getting chest pain on left side (very rarely on right side) while running and doing push ups. Aortic stenosis has been reported to occur in as many as 72 percent of adults with a congenital bicuspid aortic valve, with peak incidence occurring in the 5th and 6th decades of life. I just thought it was muscle strain., My body cleared the blockage itself, said the game show host, who credited the aspirin he was taking for what he thought was simple muscle pain. This was 7 months ago. In practice, the indications for aortic valve replacement for severe aortic stenosis or severe aortic regurgitation are straightforward and uncontroversial. I excercise 2-3 times a week, namely cardio and weight lifting. Now Id like to know your opinion about physical performance, before and after. My heart rate some time is 100. "Listen to the voice inside, the one we all so easily ignore. lifting a max bench of 150 lbs Am I crazy? Its a lot harder in the UK to see your cardiologist so you cant get the answers quickly. I was wondering if you could give your opinion on my scenario. She is afraid, I can understand that. Robbie Benson - Actor/Director - Bicuspid Aortic Valve. Ive thought that the next visit to the pediatrician would be a good opportunity to discuss the issue. Athletes with BAV and enlargement of the aorta to greater than 4.5 cm can participate safely only in low intensity sports (eg, golf, bowling, billiards). Ed Helms - Actor - Undisclosed CHD. I probably get more inquiries from athletes with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) than any other single heart problem. Is this a possible explanation? What are my chances of being able to go back to marathon running after surgery? Thank you for the blog that addresses the athletes point of view, and feelings. Bicuspid aortic valves can accumulate calcium deposits more easily than tricuspid aortic valves. When I had my valve replaced I was told that it would have a 20 year ish life but I think it should exceed that. For patients with bioprosthetic valves after heart valve surgery, the valve itself is not usually affected by weight-lifting activities. They seem very busy and its taken almost a year to get to this stage. It may cope adequately for a few years if the person leads a sedentary life, but the longer crucial surgery is delayed, the more damage there will be to . Get your act together, Columbus! 2020 Update: Arnold Gets An Aortic Valve Re-Replacement! Most people require treatment once symptoms develop. Almost half of BAV subjects develop different degrees of valvular dysfunction during their lifetime. Celebrities with congenital heart disease Details Published: January 27 2016 . Glad to hear that youre recovering, Zdenko. This is such an interesting blog, I wish I had known of it sooner. But if you have a bicuspid aortic valve, you only have two cusps. Heart Valve Disease Personal Stories | American Heart Association I know they really should get checked, and they will. As youve mentioned, sometimes it can be useful to visit a cardiologist who has an interest in athletes and their heart problems. Dear Doctor, Dietz?) Could you please give me an insight into what else could be causing these chronic episodes of shortness of breathe, lightheadedness and off-on chest pains. He loves sports and is wanting to do more and more. I get the fact that lifting excessively can cause a spike in blood pressure, but only under certain conditions (i.e. BAV is the most common cause of heart disease present at birth and affects approximately 1.3% of adults. However, many people will develop complications from their BAV and may need surgery in their lifetimeeither to repair or replace the aortic valve, the thoracic aorta or both. New guidelines from 2015 are in accord with your doctors recommendations about vigorous exercise as well as periodic imaging to measure the aorta. I was concerned about his cough last weekend so I was assessing his lungs with my stethoscope when I heard a very pronounced diastolic murmur at his 3rd ICS. Thank you,dr Creswell, Reply. There is a risk of sudden death in individuals with BAV, probably related most to aortic stenosis or aortic dissection/rupture. Latifah has taken on her mom's caregiving duties, along with relatives and a nurse, whenever she is on the east coast. If Im trying to do 10 it will be harder to get those 2 up but it wasnt that hard before. I dont know why this formed as I have had the problem valve replaced many years ago. these conditions occur mostly during my exercises at the gym and Im left very lightheaded and shortness of breathe. A total of 25,556 newborns (51% male; mean age, 12 days) underwent echocardiography. Diagnosed last year while looking at something else. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is a genetic condition that causes the aortic valve to have two leaflets instead of three. I now take diltiazem daily. Guidelines specifically for athletes come from the Proceedings of the 36th Bethesda Conference in 2005. I had multiple re-hospitalizations but seemed to recover. Context Bicuspid aortic valve is the most common congenital cardiac anomaly in the adult population. Yesterday, for example, I spoke with a 71-year old patient who just had aortic valve replacement surgery due to this . Best to continue to work towards identifying cause(s) and getting any needed treatment. With so many similar stories, do you know why there is not more statistical data or studies done with regards to sports and BAV and changes in aortic diameter? I understand its strenuous activity but if Im for example bench pressing it will get harder for me to put it up at the 8th rep.. My biggest concern is whether I will be able to return to my previous level of physical activity and level of fitness. Thanks. Thank you for your time. My doctor says i use losartan for decrease my blood presure. The potential downside relates to durability. This is an area where second opinions may be helpful in sorting out whats safe. Pathology. Again, thank you and bless you for taking the time to talk with us here! While my surgeon said that I can do whatever normal healthy person would do my cardiologist gave me some restrictions basically not to raise my HR over 120. Heart disease and stroke are the number one killers of women, Streisand, 74, told PEOPLE about why she helped found the organization. It also featured an extended chat with Schwarzenegger's old boss James Cameron, and, despite an attempt, not even the mighty Arnold could pry any Avatar 2 secrets loose. Could he be over-cautious? Thanks so much After that, most patients can gradually return to activities that put stress on the sternum and upper extremities. Ever since undergoing open heart surgery in 2010 for her surprise diagnosis of heart disease, Jones has worked as a national ambassador for the American Heart Association to raise awareness. Hi Larry, A CT scan made the diagnosis. Abstract. Thank you sincerely for your time and information. Its a hard thing to describe to my cardiologist that my legs and HR are not cooperating when the pace picks up. That is to say, I did up until two months ago. Bicuspid aortic valves are more common in men, but also affect women. I am riding my 3 rd anual Belgian Waffle Ride today. Im not familiar with employment eligibility issues with BAV, even in this country. 2. I dont believe this has been well studied. I am an amateur runner, I do not participate in competitions. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) and congenital aortic stenosis are two types of heart defects that may be present at birth. John Ritter - Actor - passed away due to undiagnosed CHD at age 55. When the aorta is enlarged in the setting of BAV, there are a couple possibilities: the valve needs to be replacedor it doesnt: Valve repair. No stenosis, no calcification. You could probably settle on a plan for return to exercise with your surgeon and cardiologist. My aortic root is 4.06 cms. Thanks very much. For example, are there data that shows what happens to aortic diameters once sports have been stopped? Today, echocardiography (ultrasound) for screening or diagnostic purposes for some other heart problem is the most common way that BAV is detected. It sounds like youve gotten conventional advice regarding sports where there is a risk of bodily injury. In addition to being patients, there are many celebrities who, like you, parent a child with CHD as well. Jansen Panettiere Family Reveals Actor's Cause Of Death An abnormal aortic valve develops during the early weeks of pregnancy, when the baby's heart is developing. During pregnancy. What should i do? Went through the process of antibiotic therapy and. You might keep in mind that trans-catheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) can be used to re-replace the aortic valve. Diagnosis was made because pulse dropped to 30 (normally 52), and pacemaker was thought to be needed (no symptoms other than low pulse for a few days). His aorta is lightly enlarged. I dont think theres a way to predict the future in this circumstance. Jeff/Doc, I continued playing hockey routinely until I was in my late twenties. I have normal aortic size, mildly dilated aortic sinus (39 cm), and trace aortic regurg. Normal pericardium, no pericardia effusion I made appointment with my cardio, to clear that up, dont worry :). At this time, it is not known whether Arnold received the new valve using a surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) or atranscatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). That is someones life.. He also has minimal leakage at the valve aorta. Anything you can offer up here would be very much appreciated. Options for operation One situation that seems particularly ripe for differences of opinion is that of the athlete with BAV, no significant stenosis or regurgitation, but with an aortic diameter of 4.5 to 5.0 cm. Athletes with mechanical or bioprosthetic heart valves may participate in low and moderate intensity sports, Athletes who are taking blood-thinning medications should avoid sports where bodily injury, with potentially life-threatening bleeding, might occur. March 15, 2023. A bicuspid aortic valve is a congenital condition, meaning that people are born with two rather than the normal three cusps on their aortic valve. Congrats! In general, we recommend no weight lifting in patients with BAV if the aortic diameter is greater than 4.0 cm. I have moderate to severe regurgitation and the heart is enlarged as far as I understood. I am 26 yera old , I have aortic aneurisem. Perhaps you could print out the diagram, take it with you to the cardiologist, and ask him/her to circle the forms of exercise that would be safe in your case. diagnosed wid BAV AND AS WITH AR The problem is I have developed an aneurysm on my ascending aorta of 44mm. I have a St. Judes Bovine valve now. Im 33 and I do jiu-jitsu. If the valve does not close completely, blood can leak into the heart. FAMILIAR FACES WITH CHD'S - Helping Hearts I mean, when competing, my average heart rate is close to 159 and my max HR is around 170. My Dr. gave me the all clear to go back to my exercise routines. Although we still dont have very long term results tracked (15+ years), in the short term the results seem to be much superior to regular bentall de bono option (and its variations). In this case, would it be an overwhelming pain? While I no longer due very strenuous activities, I still play softball, golf, kayak, ski, and do play hockey every now and again. (I'm a 17 year old female)After a heart echocardiogram yesterday we found out I have a bicuspid aortic valve, I originally went in to the cardiologist for extreme fatigue, constant racing heart (avg around 130bpm resting), palpitations, spells where I almost faint, feet swelling and turning purple, etc . Tyler. His cardiologist said he cant play. Bicuspid Aortic Valve: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment, Biological Tissue Valves: Pig, Cow, Horse & Human, The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. I was to the understanding that the aneurysms caused in bav patients was due to the problematic bav valve causing uneven blood flow to cause uneven pressure on the aorta. Dr. Larry, thank you very much for your blog! Jeff. The abnormal anatomy of the bicuspid aortic valve is complex, and a classification schema of 3 anatomical types has been proposed by Sievers and Schmidtke. Hi, my name is Hector and I am 34 years old. To me, cardiologists are not sports people and air on being absolutely over cautious. Thank you for your ideas and I apologize for my gramma errors (English is not my first language). I think we would expect less enlargement over time with stopping strenuous exercise. Your doctors will be in the best position to offer advice because they will be most familiar with your case. Everyones symptoms are different but I felt compelled to share mine. Probably a bicuspid aortic valve but there are many other possibilities Reply What is a TAVR? This was during a 12 week intense training block where my resting heart rate got as low as 42 bpm. 24 HOUR GYM I used to be very muscular prior surgery and 3 mounts ago I started with 5 km runs, push ups and pull ups 3 days a week, slowly progressing. My cardiologist said that sometimes it remains stable and never grows anymore. Several famous people were reported to have had bicuspid valves: former first Lady Barbara Bush, the comedian Robin Williams, and California Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger. What Is Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease? 2012; 109:1632-1636. It will also be necessary to keep a close eye on the size of the aorta over time, using echocardiography and CT. Hi, Fantastic website, there is very little actual information on this on the web. Thanks so much for all this info! Is it possible that the valve will get loose? His story is typical. Then, Arnold's pulmonary valve was switched to the aortic position. I am followed every 2 years. Celebrities Who Have Opened Up About Heart Health - Peoplemag Want to get a head start on your Oscar predictions? My cardiologist is not concerned. Next year I would like to finish my first marathon but now I dont know whether I should keep running. Needless to say, the diagnosis was quite overwhelming. Thats the main reason for choosing a tissue valve in my case. Thanks for the article! We generally limit weight-lifting (or other sports/exercise that have a high static component) for athlete patients with BAV and mild enlargement of the aorta. On said it wont make a real difference, the other said oh yes, that was like a blockage, you will feel the difference. Perhaps that will provide so e reassurance. The surgeon I used told me that he had performed keyhole surgery once but wasnt sure if it would be of much benefit to me. I have bav with mild dilation of aorta 39mm. Hi . This might reasonably translate into some measurable improvement related to physical exercise.
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